A ROI is added from the ROI tab on the Client Information screen.
1. Locate a client using Client Search and navigate to the Client Profile. In the Client Information area, click the ROI tab. The Release of Information window will display. (See Figure 1-4)
Click Add Release of Information. (1) The Release of Information window will display. (See Figure 1-5)
If the ROI will cover other members of the client's household, click the checkboxes next to the clients' names in the Household Members section. (1)
4. Select the Provider issuing the ROI. The field defaults to the user’s current provider. Click Search to change the provider by locating a provider using the standard ServicePoint provider lookup, or click My Provider to reset the provider to the default. Click Clear to reset the field. (2)
5. Indicate whether or not the client granted the ROI by making a selection from the Release Granted pick list. (3)
6. Enter the Start Date for the ROI in mm/dd/yyyy. (4) This is the date from which the client's information will be available to outside providers.
7. Enter the End Date for the ROI in mm/dd/yyyy format. (5) This is the date after which outside providers will no longer be able to view the client's data.
Note: Once data has an ROI, it always has the (Yes or No) ROI. Any NEW data added after the ROI End Date will NOT be affected by the old ROI. For example: Answer 'A' in an assessment was entered 06/01/2005 and is "Yes" and has a Yes ROI associated with it which ends 12/31/2005. Answer 'A' has another entry of "No" dated 01/01/2006. It is now 06/07/2007, if someone looked at Answer 'A' they would see "Yes."
8. Indicate the type of ROI consent by making a selection from the Documentation pick list. (6)
9. If there was a witness to the client's consent to the ROI, then enter that person's name in the Witness text field. (7)
10. Click Save Release of Information. (8) The window will refresh to the Release of Information screen. (See Figure 1-6) The new ROI will be listed.
11. Click Exit (1) to return to the Client Profile
Relevant Article: What is a ROI?