Use Goals, Action Steps and Case Notes as a tool to plan self-sufficiency and track outcomes.
1. To create a goal or case note folder to a case plan, first open the client record in ClientPoint to whom you wish to add a goal.
2. With the client record open, click the Case Plans tab. The screen will refresh and display the Case Plans screen.
3. Click Add Goal. The screen will refresh and display the Case Plan – Add A New Goal screen.
- Adding a Goal is like creating a file folder. Create a new goal to track the status of different opportunities for the client. (Example: Daily Case Notes, CAA, debt reduction, education – High School diploma, etc.)
Do not create a new goal every time you add a daily case note. See How to Add a Case Note to add a note to the existing goal (case note folder).
4. Complete each field in the Goal Data section:
a: Provider: Select your default provider—for which the client and client goal will be associated with—by clicking My Provider. Alternatively click the Search button to search for another provider.
b: Date Goal was Set: Enter the appropriate date, which is self-populated with the current date. The date must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
c: Classification: Select the applicable goal classification from the Classification picklist.
d: Type: Select the corresponding goal type from the Type picklist.
e: Target Date: Enter the intended completion date for the stated goal. The date must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
f: Overall Status: Select the option that best describes the progress toward the stated goal.
g: If Closed, Outcome: there may be a possibility that the case plan is entered and the goal may be met on the same day and it is being entered in one step.
5. If your program chooses to set follow up dates and actions, complete each field in the follow up section:
a: Projected Follow Up Date: If there will be a follow-up on this goal, enter the date you anticipate the follow-up will take place or select from one of the auto-fill icons. The date must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
b: Follow Up User: This is the user who is assigned to follow up with the client. A picklist of available users appears based on the provider. Click My Provider to select your default provider for which the user list will be associated (or click Search to find another provider). Select the user from the pick list.
c: Follow Up Made: Select the status from the picklist.
d: Completed Follow Up Date: Enter the date the follow-up was completed or select from one of the auto-fill icons. The date must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
e: Outcome at Follow Up: Select from the options in the picklist.
6. Click Add Goal. The screen will refresh and you will now see a Folder created for that goal.
Relevant Article: How To Edit A Goal (Case Note Folder) In Case Plans