The Government of Alberta mandates only the Head of Household needs to be assessed. Since families are diverse and dynamics shift often, the Head of Household may need to change. This document will instruct Family Programs how to change the HoH in HMIS.

*Every family must have only ONE Head of Household (HoH)

Step 1: The Outgoing Head of Household

  1. Under Household Tab, press Manage Household
  2. Indicate ‘NO’ in Head of Household field for Outgoing HoH
    1. Indicate relationship of Outgoing HoH to Incoming HoH 

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

3. Under the Assessment Tab, complete Exit Assessment for the Outgoing HoH

a. Do not exit the client (under the Entry/Exit Tab) unless the Outgoing HoH is no longer receiving services from your program (see points 4 & 5)

Only Complete Points 4 & 5 IF the Outgoing HoH is leaving the Household and Exiting Program:

4. Under the Household Tab, press manage Household

  1. Exit the Outgoing HoH from the Household (Household Tab)

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

5. Under the Entry/Exit Tab, Exit the Outgoing HoH from the program 

6. Add a Client Note (under the Client Profile Tab) indicating Client ID# left Household ID#.

Step 2: The Incoming Head of Household

6. Under the Household Tab, press Manage Household

7. Indicate ‘YES’ in Head of Household field, and Relationship as Self

a. Update Relationships to Incoming HoH for remaining Household members

8. Under the Assessment Tab for the incoming HoH, Backdate Move-in Assessment to the original date of move in, and complete assessment (simply copying over the answers from the original HoH Move-in Assessment)

9. If applicable to your program type, backdate the CHF Housing Assessment to original date of move in and complete assessment (simply copying over the answers from the original HoH CHF Housing Assessment)

10. Under the Assessment Tab for the incoming HoH backdate and input the Quarterly Follow Up Assessment for the previous 3 Quarters (simply copying over the answers from the last 3 Quarterly Assessments completed by the previous HoH).



*The ART Reports may look odd, but this is acceptable. 

Please note this is one article of the Household Tab Series. For more information, please review the following articles:

1. Family Data Entry Overview 

2. Understanding the Households Tab

3. How to Start a New Household

4. Manage Household

5. How to Change a Head of Household - current article