Common HMIS Icons:
EDIT - Click to edit field
DELETE - Click to delete data element
NOTES - Click to view content of note(s)
NOTES: 1 - Indicates how many notes contained in notepad
VIEW - Click to view contents
ATTACHMENT - Click to upload attachment
ATTACHMENTS: 1 - Indicates how many attachments saved
MARK AS READ - Client Note not yet read. Click to indicate note is read
SERVICEPOINT USER - Indicates program or individual is an HMIS User
HMIS Calendar Icons:
CHOOSE DATE - Select date from Calendar page (use month/day/year format)
CLEAR DATE - Select Use to clear date field
SET TO CURRENT DATE - Use to always indicate 'today' - even in backdate mode
HMIS Visibility Icons:
CLOSED - Section Closed/Private
CLOSED WITH EXCEPTIONS - Section Closed; Shared with Private Agency/Program
HMIS History Bar Icons:
HISTORY BAR - Indicates new data entry in field (lime green)
HISTORY BAR - Indicates data entry field at least 3 months old (dark green)
HISTORY BAR - Indicates data entry field at least 1 year old (brown)
HISTORY BAR - Indicates data entry field multiple years old (red)