Agency Housing Location Map Documentation


The purpose of this document is to instruct users how to use the new Housing Location sheet in the Housing Programs Dashboard.


  1. Housing History – Allows users to switch between current housing data and historical housing data.
  2. Map Layer – Allows users to switch between different map layers to show different location data.
  3. Map.
  4. Map Legend. 
  5. Housed Participants – Shows client data relative to the Housing History selection. 
  6. Average Monthly Rent – Average Rent value for Program selection.
  7. Map Subtitle – Gives a description of data being shown on map as well as link to documentation.
  8. Link to this help document for easy reference.

The housing location sheet is based off data taken from the CHF Housing Assessment and uses the postal code entered in the assessment to give each participant a location within the city. If no postal code is entered then they will not display on the map, however they will still show up in the Housed Participants table.





Housing History

The housing history buttons allow easy switching between current housing data and historical data. Current Housing is determined by participants who have a move in date but do not have a move out day indicating they are still in housing. Historical housing is determined by participants having both a move in and move out day indicating their housing episode has come to an end.


Map Layer

The Map Layer allows easy switching between displaying different data onto the map. 


Participant Population Point

The Participant Population Point layer shows where current and historical participants are/were housed. They are colour coded by their program and the size of the bubble indicates the number of participants living in that area of the city. If a bubble has no colour, then this means that there are participants from multiple programs living in that area. If you hover over this point, it will give you a detailed breakdown of how many participants belong to each of the programs in this area.


Average Rent

The Average Rent layer shows how much a participant is paying in monthly rent relative to the average rent paid per month across all participants in the program(s). A participant who is paying the same value as the average rent would show as green and 100%. The less a participant pays compared to the monthly average rent they will show in the green to blue gradient with a percentage less than 100%. A participant who pays more than the monthly average rent will show in the green to red gradient with a percentage over 100%. A point on the map that has no colour, indicates there are multiple participants living in that area. Hovering over the data point will give a detailed breakdown of how each participants monthly rent compares to the average. This data is taken from the CHF Housing assessment and If no rent value has been entered then that participant will not show on the map.


Program Grouping

The Program Grouping layer shows what sort of program the participant housed at that location belongs to. Either Adult, Family or Youth program. If the point has no colour, then there are multiple participants at that location who belong to multiple program types. Hovering over that data point will give a detailed breakdown of the program type each participant belongs to in that area.



The Density layer shows the concentration of participants across the city. The gradient scale can be seen in the maps legend with areas of low density blue working through to high density areas displayed in red. This layer will rescale the density depending on the zoom level of the map, showing a more general view of the population density when fully zoomed out and showing more localised densities when zoomed in. 


Housing Type

The Housing Type layer shows the program type the housed participant belongs to, Scattered Site or Place Based. If a point has no colour, then there are participants housed in multiple program types in that area, hovering over the data point will give a detailed breakdown of which participants belong to which program type.


Map & Map Legend

Map of Calgary which can be scrolled and zoomed in and out of. Displays the different data sets based on which layer has been selected and if the data is based on the currently housed participants or historically housed participants. The Map legend can be found on the right and gives a better understanding of how to interpret the data being displayed on the map.








Housed Participants

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

The housed participants table will show tabular data for participants. Which participants are displayed will depend on which Housing History button has been selected. The data shown in the table directly corresponds to each of the layers shown on the map, the tables fields include:

  • Location Availability – If a correct postal code was entered in the CHF housing assessment ‘Location Available’ will be displayed otherwise ‘Location Unavailable’ will be displayed.
  • Client ID
  • Exit Date – This column will only be displayed when viewing historical participants.
  • Postal Code
  • Move In Date
  • Program Grouping
  • Program Name
  • Monthly Rent Amount
  • Program Type
  • Housing Type
  • Building Name
  • Unit Type 
  • Average Rent Percentage – Relates to the average rent map layer, shows the percentage above or below the average monthly rent allowing to compare both percentages and actual amounts paid.

Average Monthly Rent

A number of numbers on a white background

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The Average Monthly Rent KPI shows the average rent for currently housed participants or historically housed participants. By default, it will show the average across all available programs however when filtering down to specific program(s) it will recalculate based on the selections made.