This process has been initiated to facilitate agency staff who have EDA access to CAA and want to be able to complete an NSQ (under CAA) for a client within a CAA participating program with creating a duplicate client record.
The following wording template can be provided to agencies to submit a request to HMIS support:
- We can confirm the Client #**** currently exists in HMIS, in our program, but we cannot se them under EDA CAA. We have uploaded the signed CAA ROI document to the client's profile. Please open the padlock for this client to CAA so that we can work with this client in CAA without having to create a duplicate client record.
- Open Client record
- Confirm that FOIP Notification has been read to client.
- If response to this question is No, reply to the request from the user indicating the FOIP must be read to the client before proceeding with any data entry.
- Confirm client is Head of Household (if relevant – is a family program).
- Confirm record contains valid CAA ROI.
- Most current version.
- Signed and dated by client (or verbal agreement portion complete).
- Confirm record contains a valid Agency ROI for program making request.
- Confirm there is an active entry into the program making request. (no exit date)
- Click Padlock next to Mass Visibility Update button
- Click
- In Search bar, enter Coordinated Access & Assessment and click Search button.
- From the options, click on green + next to first option below (not Children included) and click on Save then Exit.
- Click
Go to the Households tab and perform Step 7 for all members of household.- Shadow a user from the Agency.
- Click on the padlock for Client Demographics.
- Check the radio box for Future and Historical Answers
- Click
- In Search bar, enter Coordinated Access & Assessment and click Search button.
- From the options, click on green + next to the first option below (not Children included) and click on Exit.
- Shadow a CAA user and open Client record to confirm Client demographics are visible.