The folder containing these documents can be found here:

Project Charter:  Project Charter - HMIS System Upgrade.docx

Release notes can be found on the Wellsky support portal and older versions have been saved here:

In the above folder, you will also find a file where release notes pertaining to Calgary's version of HMIS have been reviewed and compiled:  HMIS Release Notes Reviewed.xlsx

    Note that the release notes included in the document only contains those notes that are applicable to CHF's HMIS.  It excludes many of the HUD-specific updates that are included in the full release notes.

Typically on a regular (monthly basis), the process would look like this:

1) Log in to Wellsky portal and open/download latest Community Services update notes that haven't yet been reviewed

2) Determine which updates pertain to CHF's Community Services(ServicePoint) version and which ones are US-specific.  The ability to discern between which updates affect CHF and which updates are US-specific will come with time, experience, and knowledge of the system.  Generally any update that involves HUD standards, HUD Data, or HUD reporting is specific only to the US.  Most of the canned reports in the system are also US-specific.  Save any patch notes, review or other notes to the folder listed above.

3) Using the  HMIS Release Notes Reviewed.xlsx  document, add in the patch details and the updates that pertain to CHF HMIS and evaluate the change, impact, risk, and any follow up required.