Mustard Seed – CAA Merge Conflict


When an agency sends a merge request, we prioritize any profile that has an open CAA entry as the automatic “Destination” profile. This is due to the CID being pulled onto the CAA triage list on Qlik. Historically, if we merged the CAA CID, the warehouse could not process this change and would continue pulling the old CID onto Qlik. As a result, system planners during placement meetings could not access the old client profile as it had been “inactivated” by the merge process.

Additionally, we have been told to prioritize Mustard Seed profiles (any client with open entries to Mustard Seed programming) as the “Destination” profile due to the tie between the clients and their HMIS CID. Mustard Seed has reported that some individuals use their CIDs to identify themselves at the agency and if we merge (inactivate) that profile it has a significantly negative impact on their participants.

Main Issue:

What to do when a client profile has both CAA program entry and Mustard Seed program entry?


Prioritize Mustard Seed profile as the “Destination” profile during merge process.


By retaining the Mustard Seed profile as the “Destination” profile, we maintain the original CID for Mustard Seed participants. We can restore the client to the Qlik CAA triage list with their new CID by deleting the existing CAA entry and recreating it using the same program entry date. This provides a viable solution for all stakeholders – clients will maintain their preferred CID; clients will continue to be pulled onto the triage list (housing placement will not be affected); Mustard Seed staff won’t experience confusion surrounding duplicate profiles; System Planners can continue to make housing placements using Qlik; HMIS staff will have clear process for dealing with these conflicting profiles when they arise


Suggested Process:

  1. HMIS Team receives merge request from Users:
    1. If request comes from Mustard Seed, reply and ask which profile they’d like to keep (this gives us a written record if needed in the future)
    2. If request comes from somewhere else continue to prioritize Mustard Seed profile but no need to ask the requesting staff for guidance


  1. Check to see if the CAA profile has an open referral made yet 
    1. Check CAA casenotes folder to see any recent referrals
    2. Cross reference with Service Transactions tab to see any recent referrals

Important: if client has open referral (meaning a referral FROM Program Transfer/Housing First Graduates to a housing program), the merge cannot be completed at this time

Process: hold ticket until referral has been accepted or declined and then perform merge


*****PLEASE NOTE***** an open entry to Program Transfer/Housing First Graduates does not equate to an open referral. If an open entry to Program Transfer/Housing First Graduates is present, please carry on with a normal merge. 


  1. Perform merge as usual, retaining Mustard Seed profile as the “Destination” profile
  2. Shadow CAA staff and navigate to new client profile
  3. In entry/exit tab, delete existing open CAA program entry
  4. Add new CAA program entry using the same entry date that was used previously
  5. Next, navigate to the NSQ Assessment and update the EOTL validation date to today’s date
  6. Send old CID and new CID to Li so she can perform the stored procedure. Stored procedure runs will only happen on Fridays, so ensure all Mustard Seed/CAA merges are performed on Thursdays.
  7. Ensure merge is recorded in merge tracking sheet found here:


HMIS Merge list.xlsx


  1. Follow up on the next business day to ensure new CID has pulled into CAA Qlik Triage List