As per the definition of a Privacy Breach in relation to the HMIS ServicePoint, if you are viewing a Client profile that you shouldn't be able to see (client has never been in your program) OR you suspect, for any reason, that your Client's information has been breached in any way, immediately report it to your supervisor and to the HMIS Support Team by emailing with the following information:

  1.  In Subject line of email, indicate: Suspected FOIP Breach and provide the date of the breach
  2. In body of email, provide the Client ID# (please never include a client's first/last name when emailing the HMIS Support Team)
  3. In body of email, provide as many details as to how you came across the breach; what circumstances led to the breach, who was involved, what information you believe was lost, accessed, altered, or destroyed.  

By immediately notifying the HMIS Support Team, and your supervisor, we will be able to contain the information breach as quickly as possible.  

Relevant Article: Privacy Do's and Don'ts